In the first 4 days of having it i had 5 punctures, that i had too fix. So i made an investment that will hopefully pay off.
I bought myself plastic tyre tube protectors. (the rolled up things) and

tyre slime stuff. thats the st
uff you put in the tube, and if there's a leak it will fill it up and seal.

i bought the heavy duty stuff which is said to be able to close holes up to 5mm in size. which is not too bad. hopefully it will word. 
After buying the bike i had some money left, and i wanted to spoil Tessa a bit. With My friend Jaq and his girlfriend Ann we went to Braza for dinner. Braza is nicely located on the water front in the middle of Bloem. And serves brazilian styled meat, chicken and fish.
I had a very nice piece of rump and calamari. Tessa had lemon and herb chicken, while Jaq and Ann had a brazillian meat thing on a stick. 

After buying the bike i had some money left, and i wanted to spoil Tessa a bit. With My friend Jaq and his girlfriend Ann we went to Braza for dinner. Braza is nicely located on the water front in the middle of Bloem. And serves brazilian styled meat, chicken and fish.

Then we went to News Cafe for a cocktail, Tessa and i shared a Giggle and junglejuice. All in all it was a good night...
if you cant read (n gedig vir moedersdag van ma se seung 'n probleem was nog ooit vir ma te groot gewees nie ma help met liefde.......en bietjie spoeg op n snesie!) 

Hy het darem foto's van die ander deel van die kaartjie ook gestuur
And we have some melktert for you. YUmmy
Dankie vir die verslaggie seun, lyk asof julle die aand geniet het.

Van James hoor ek net dat die ou baie hard en lang ure werk en van die social front hoor ek niks behalwe dat hy en Leane so 'n week of wat terug in Kaapstad was vir 'n troue. Ek het darem 'n prentjie van hom ook in sy "werksklere". As mens so 'n groot glimlag het wanneer jy werk, dan kan dit nie so sleg wees nie ne seun.
1 comment:
Dankie tog, blykbaar leef my seuntjies nog want hulle stuur darem vir hulle ma 'n berig! As hulle nou 'n slag vir hulle Pa ook onthou sal hy dalk vir hulle kom kuier, en hulle uitvat vir ete(s), petrol in die Volla gooi en oor die algemeen vir hulle treat.
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